child with no tooth decay

The Importance of Caring for Baby Teeth

There is nothing as charming & precious as a child’s happy smile. Unfortunately, we find that some parents & caregivers think of baby teeth (also known as milk teeth) as disposable.

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General Dental Articles

pregnant woman with healthy teeth

How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Oral Health

Among the many changes that women experience in their bodies when they become pregnant, changes to their oral health may be among the most surprising & perplexing.

General Dental Articles

Woman with braces

Great Reasons to Get Braces

Many people think of braces as a right of passage that we subject pre-teens & teens to in the midst of their most awkward years just to ensure they have a nice straight smile by the time they reach adulthood. But the truth is that braces can benefit people of all ages & not all of the reasons to get braces are aesthetic.

General Dental Articles

Boy putting in his sports mouth guard

Protecting Kids’ Teeth During Sports

Wearing a mouth guard during sports activities is one of the best ways to avoid injuries to your child’s teeth & emergency dental care. Mouth guards, which are made from a plastic or rubber material & fit over the top arch of teeth, not only protect your teeth, but also protect lips & cheeks from being damaged by teeth during an impact.

General Dental Articles

woman with white clear ceramic braces

Clear Aligners vs Metal Braces

The choice between clear braces or metal braces is becoming an age-old debate at the orthodontist’s office or the dentist’s office. For many patients who wish to straighten their teeth, the choice comes down to balancing the affect of orthodontics on your appearance, it’s impact on your budget, & the expected or desired outcome for your particular case.

General Dental Articles

woman choosing dentures or dental implants

Replacing Missing Teeth: Dentures vs. Dental Implants

Whether you’ve lost teeth to decay, periodontal disease or an accident, we know that having a missing tooth can be embarrassing, inconvenient & often very uncomfortable. Luckily, there are many options for restoring your teeth, but with so many options, there is also some confusion.

General Dental Articles

happy woman at dental clinic

How Do I Find a Good Dentist Near Me?

Finding a dentist is about finding someone you like & trust. The dental clinic you choose should be you & your family’s dental home, your headquarters for all things dental health related. It should be a place where you feel comfortable & where you’re greeting by name when you arrive.

General Dental Articles

toothbrush dental care toothpaste

How to Choose a Toothpaste

The best way to choose a toothpaste is to ask for a recommendation from your dentist—they will know your needs the best—but here are some tips for choosing a toothpaste yourself!

General Dental Articles

an ounce of preventive dentistry

General Dental Articles

woman answering dentistry quiz

General Dental Articles